So while this isn't my first foray into the Blogosphere, it is however my first steps into it with a clear intention of what it is I hope to achieve, and what I want this blog to deliver, for me anyway.
As a reader, you might find it hopelessly boring! Hey, I might not have any readers at all but the truth of the matter is if I went out there with the intention to get as many readers as possible, I might end up going for a "quantity over quality" approach to my posts that I'd rather avoid. I am in mourning myself for some amazing bloggers who have given up the gig due to a lack of readers, with no consideration for the fact that I was there being thoroughly entertained by them, so I don't want to fall into the same trap of obsessively checking how many "views" I have achieved or "comments" I have received, and using that as a marker for success.
So right now I'm lying in bed with a broken ankle, recovering from surgery and this has naturally given me quite a bit of time to think about where it is I am investing my time, and could I spend it a little more responsibly? The answer was, as always, a resounding yes - I was wasting too much time on this, and too much time on that. So where else could I spend it? ...Exercise and writing? Okay, done! I then promptly spent the next hour trying to find a good background picture for my blog, completely wasting the time I'd promised to be more frugal with.
So the purpose of this blog? Well, I love writing, I have always loved writing and the one thing I have never done is spend enough time focusing on it aside from a period five years ago where I found myself desperately unwell and in need of escape. A lovely friend Hart Johnson, who I met around that same time, recently gave me some advice, borrowed from one of my favourite artists, Steven King: "you have to show up. Every day. Or else the muse won’t know when and where to find you. But if you show up. Every day. She will be right there nudging you along."
So I am making an attempt to at least show up.
And this here blog is about refining my art.
So I will talk about writing, I will review the many books I read (much to my partner's chagrin, especially last night when at 2.00am he finally lost patience and begged me to turn the light off). I will review the restaurants I eat at, and I will tell tales about my family. I will change names to protect the not so innocent but I will make a commitment to tell the truth, or at least let you know when something is exaggerated for entertainment purposes. I will share the stories of my life, I will show you why my name is Tripping Tipsy and why it is completely justified - and no, I am not tripping BECAUSE I am tipsy, unfortunately for me the two conditions are not mutually exclusive. I guarantee, for example, that had I have had a few glasses of wine when I climbed down that cliff embankment in Thailand, the Party Gods would have taken care of me, and not let me fall and snap my ankle like the Sober Gods did. That being said, if it hadn't have happened i wouldn't be here right now focusing on my blog. So maybe the Sober Gods were giving me a blessing in disguise... food for thought.
So here I am, just a girl, standing here in the webaverse, hoping someone, anyone might read, and ENJOY, my blog (or at least give me feedback on why it sucks). More to come shortly.
Signing Off,
Tripping Tipsy.
YAY!!! I am so glad you are diving into it again! And seriously, the effort of writing daily totally pays off, even if what you are writing daily is a blog. I really hope you will do a couple commited events with us: October is NaBloWriMo (write a blog every day for the month) and then November is NaNoWriMo--the old novel in a month bit. I swear, if you aren't commited to daily writing by the end of that pair, you will at least be certifiable, and that's good material for writing, too...